
bit of flesh:

1. The vagina . See vagina for synonyms.

2. A woman regarded solely as sex-object .

See Also: a bit of all right, a bit of alright, a bit of fun, a bit of nifty, a bit of rumpty-tumpty, a bit of rumpy-bumpy, a bit of rumpy-pumpy, alright, anthropophagus, autodermatophagia, autophagy, bark, bit, bit of all right, bit of alright, bit of nifty, bit of nookey, bit of rumpty-tumpty, bit of rumpy-bumpy, bit of rumpy-pumpy, bite the crank, biting, biting kiss, blow me!, bouncy-bouncy, cannibalism, cheek bite, clamp it silly, dermagraphism, do a nifty, grostulation, have a bit of crumpet, hickey, Hidden Bite, kiss bite, Line of Jewels, love bite, monkey bite, nifty, pink flaps, Purple Heart, rumpy-bumpy, rumpy-pumpy, sarmassophilia, self-cannibalism, shag tags, shit on a stick, strawberry kiss, suckers, three-penny bits, thrupenny bits, voluptus carne, willing tit

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